
Unofficial FWP Game Counter

I made my last big game counting run this morning. Well not really. At least the one that counts. The big game season started here in New South Montucky on the 21st of October. It ends Sunday night at sundown. I have spent the last few weeks, weather permitting, flying along the river between The Dive to Squidtown, looking for deer, antelope and wild turkeys.

It has been fun watching mother nature, from my lofty perch, change the landscape from the beautiful orange and golds of the trees and the green dew tipped grass that glitters in the early morning sunlight, to the wintry white landscape that Old Man Winter brought to our area earlier this week.

5 to 8 hundred feet and about 150kts seems to work pretty well. From my vantage I get to see the wild turkeys just north of the dam hanging out in the vicinity of Murphy's dairy. The deer dine on the alfalfa fields and can be found in the hills, coulees, and other areas scattered along the river bottom and associated terrain. The biggest damn antelope I've ever seen I saw just south of the coal mine. I just have to be careful of the geese that migrate south and use the river and local farmland as refuge on their way south.

I absolutely love this part of my day. It is so relaxing and I feel at home because, well, I am. This is the best leg of the route too. I know most of the people that own the land I fly over and I get to see them on a regular basis when they dine in the deli. I love to watch their harvest progress into the fall dirt work in preparation for the spring planting. I love to see the hunters in their blaze orange sneaking through the woods stalking the game that I see. Best of all some guy in an office pays me to do this. Dork

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