
Where Have You Been??

In an effort to keep myself busy at my outstation and as a result of needing to scratch a creative itch, I started this blog, hoping it would keep me busy. However it was relatively short lived. Recently my time and energy have been diverted to a new part time job I have acquired in Squidtown.

There is this little deli type joint I have been eating at several times a week . The food is inexpensive and you get a bunch. (more than enough to feed a hungry freight pilot) The atmosphere is really laid back and the table by the water fountain and pond is the best.

The menu consists of home made soups, mountainous salads, sandwiches the size of dinner platters and wraps the size of footballs. They usually have a daily special that is always an adventure in eating, and the fresh baked cookies, bars and brownies help keep my girlish figure in check.

I was saddened to learn recently (read April) that the waitress Michelle was quitting and that the owners had yet to find a suitable replacement. After chatting with the owners about the oddities of my schedule I decided to apply for the job. Wouldn’t you know it I was hired on the spot. A slightly lower wage was negotiated in return for a “crew meal” at the end of my shift and as a result this cheap freight pilot works for food and some extra cash.

When I arrive at Squidtown in the morning, I tend to my pilot duties of putting the SUV to rest in the stable and then off to the deli I go! I help the cook prep for the day, and as customers file in for the mid-day meal I trade my wings for an apron and a ticket book and wait tables during the lunch rush.

I never thought that I would enjoy a job in the food service industry. However, I have been proven wrong and have really taken a liking to the job, chatting and joking with the customers as I serve them their Pleased to Meat You sandwiches and Tatonka Chicken wraps.

As the day winds down, I help clean up the dining room, wash dishes, and prep for the next day. I arrive back at the airport in time to perform my preflight duties, receive my freight and launch back into the wild blue yonder.


Anonymous said...

Tatonka? How can a chicken wrap be part Buffalo?

Scud Runner said...

The same way buffalo wings can be all chicken.

Aviatrix said...

That is hilariously awesome. Beautiful synergy.